Thursday, April 21, 2016

KU announces admissions in M.Phil and PhD. program

Registrar KU has notified that KU has announced admissions in M.Phil, PhD, M.S and M.D Program 2016. Admissions will be given in the departments of Arabic, Criminology (Only M.Phil.), Economics, English, General History, International Relations, Islamic History. Mass Communication, Persian, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sindhi, Sociology, Social Work, Urdu, Agriculture & Agribusiness Management, Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology, Applied Physics, Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Food Science & Technology, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Physiology, Statistics(M.Phil only), Zoology, Special Education, Education(M.Phil Only) , Quran & Sunnah, Usooluddin, Islamic Learning, Pharmacognocy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Public Administration, Business Administration,  Commerce, School of Law(PhD only) while M.S and M.D in Faculty of Medicine. Admissions will also be given in Dr. A. Q. Khan Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (Biotechnology-KIBGE), Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine (Molecular Medicine), HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry (Chemistry-HEJ), Institute of Sustainable Halophyte Utilization (Botany-ISHU), Marine Reference Collection and Resources Center, National Nematological Research Centre (Nematology), National Centre for Proteomics (Biochemistry-(NCP), Institute of Space and Planetary Astrophysics (ISPA), Centre of Excellence for Women’s Studies (Women’s Studies), Institute of Marine Science, Institute of Environmental Studies, Centre for Plant Conservation, Pakistan Study Centre. Interested candidates may download the prospectus and form from the official website ( of Karachi University from 20th April 2016 to 28th April 2016 and submitted in the respective departments in the same above mentioned dates along with the required documents and fee of Rs.3,000/= in the form of pay order in favor of University of Karachi.
Applicants of Ph.D. (Law) and M.S. /M.D are required to attached the fees of Rs.6,000/= in the form of pay order in favor of University of Karachi and submitted in the School of Law and BASR section respectively.
List of eligible candidates will be displayed on the website of KU on May 10th 2016.
Candidates eligible for the KU Entrance Test will be required to collect the Admit Cards from May 10 to May 11 2016 from the relevant departments/centers/institutes. 
KU Entrance Test will be held on Sunday May 15th 2016 at 10:00 am.
Candidates are required to report at 9:30 am at the respective department with Admit Card and Original CNIC.
List of successful candidates will be announced on the official website on May 23th 2016.


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